The secret to successful lead generation? Connection is more powerful than brute force

Picture of Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager
Posted by Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager
The secret to successful lead generation? Connection is more powerful


Read time: 7 minutes

Believe it or not, email marketing is over 45 years old.

It started back in May 1978 when Gary Thuerk sent out the very first mass email to around 400 people.

As technology evolved and email became more commonplace, this marketing technique, along with several others like cold calling, outreach and online advertising, really took off.

This attempt to generate leads through mass messaging has since become known as the ‘spray and pray’ approach; essentially, flooding hundreds (even thousands) of buyers with generic marketing messages in the hopes of generating leads.

However, over time, buyer’s expectations have changed, as have technology and digital content, which means this clumsy approach is no longer effective.

Despite this, far too many brands and third-party vendors are still using this technique within their marketing and lead generation strategy. But why?

In this article, we'll show you how aiming for quantity over quality can damage your brand and that instead, building trusted connections is the key to successful lead generation.

The problem with using ‘brute force’

When done correctly, email marketing, cold calling and other traditional marketing techniques can be very effective for generating new leads.

However, marketing is no longer simply a numbers game. Attempts to flood the inboxes of uninterested buyers with generic content will not yield results. In fact, quite the opposite.

Sending generic, un-targeted content at a rapid rate can actually damage your company’s reputation and chances of generating leads. Here’s why:

The landscape is hyper-competitive

Today’s buyers are being inundated with thousands of marketing messages every single day, across a variety of different platforms.

Capturing consumer attention in an already saturated market is challenging and generic marketing will not effectively break through the noise. Plus, many consumers experience ad fatigue from constant exposure to undifferentiated messages.

Not only that but when you’re up against lots of similar businesses who are also trying to target buyers, generic marketing will not make your brand stand out.

Customers don’t want to be seen as a potential closed deal – people want to be treated as people!

- Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager

Unique value propositions and genuinely valuable content are necessary to capture the attention of your target audience and move them through the different funnel stages of the buyer journey.

Buyers expect personalised experiences

Clumsily firing off a one-size-fits-all campaign to a huge number of people also assumes that all buyers have the same needs and are facing the same challenges, and this is just not the case.

Over three-quarters (76%) of modern B2B buyers have come to expect personalised content and experiences that address their individual needs and are tailored to their specific goals.

Generic, untargeted content signals a lack of understanding and appreciation for these buyers, which can turn into distrust. And this means these buyers are unlikely to engage with your business in the future.

Breaching data privacy regulations

With an increasing amount of data being collected and used on a daily basis, buyers have rightfully been given more power over their information and how it's used.

Data privacy rules and regulations state that users must give specific consent for brands to send them marketing materials and content and the ‘spray and pray’ approach could breach these regulations.

As if the legal threat wasn't enough, you could also lose the trust and interest of prospects who didn't agree to receive these messages.

Not all buyers are ready to buy

Almost three-quarters (73%) of B2B leads are not ready to buy when they interact with your brand for the first time. In this situation, a generic message is unlikely to engage them enough to move them further down the sales funnel and become a valuable business lead.

Of those that do show an initial interest in generic communications, these are often low-quality prospects that won't count as qualified leads.

The solution? Building genuine connections with your target audience

Creating personalised content and experiences for B2B buyers is not a small task. It requires a strong lead generation strategy supported by data-driven insights and the right tools and partners.

However, taking a more tailored, personal approach is crucial to improving your conversion rate. In a world saturated with digital content, you need to take every opportunity to stand out from competitors and build genuine relationships.

When you prioritize having a conversation with a prospect over closing a deal, your relationship is going to end up being more fruitful in the long-term – for everyone involved.

- Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager

B2B transactions can come with significant financial and operational risks. As a result, taking the time to build trust can reduce this perceived risk and make it much easier for buyers to make a decision and keep coming back for more.

While logic definitely drives B2B buying decisions, emotions can also play a big role; particularly trust, reliability and security.

Building and nurturing genuine connections emphasises the human element in business. After all, it’s easy to get bogged down in the practical and financial side of things, so creating more personable and relatable messages can help to form strong relationships with prospects.

Even in B2B, all purchase decisions are made by real people. Because of this, your best chance to secure a sale is forging a genuine, human connection – think quality of outreach over quantity!

- Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager

So, how can you create genuine connections?

Building genuine connections with B2B buyers involves a careful blend of strategic relationship-building, personalised content marketing and the ability to cultivate trust. Here's how you do this:

  • Create buyer personas: Developing detailed buyer personas that outline the pain points, challenges, and goals of your target audience allows you to tailor your approach and messaging effectively. By understanding their specific needs and desires, you can create content that truly resonates with them.

Go one step beyond building out a buyer persona and understand all of the ins & outs of the account. For example, the buyer persona could say that they make purchasing decisions at the end of the quarter – however, if you have a genuine relationship with your prospect, you may have the insight that a key decision maker may be out on parental leave, and they are pushing their decision out several months.

Your insider info could ensure your message is hitting their inbox at the right time / at a different time than your competitors.

- Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager

  • Utilise intent data: Using intent data to uncover the online behaviours of your target audience allows you to assess where they are in the buyer journey. By analysing this data, you can craft targeted content that meets their needs, anticipates their next steps and provides the right solutions at the right time.
  • Invest in the right technology: Making use of tools such as CRM systems, generative AI and marketing automation is crucial if you want to streamline your marketing efforts and ensure your messages are timely and engaging. With these tools, you can gain insights into customer behaviour, tailor your strategies and personalise your communications for different prospects.
  • Implement account-based marketing (ABM): ABM strategies allow for deeper engagement with higher-value prospects. By focusing on specific accounts, you can tailor your efforts to meet their unique needs, fostering stronger relationships and increasing the likelihood of successful conversion.
  • Be consistent in your communications: All of your communications should be consistent, deliberate and valuable. This is essential for building trust and credibility with your audience. Consistency in messaging reinforces your brand identity and sets clear expectations. Over time, this approach strengthens relationships and loyalty, making it easier to convert prospects into long-term customers.
  • Be honest and upfront about your capabilities: Being transparent about what your product or service can and cannot do is crucial, as honesty fosters trust. When you openly communicate the capabilities of your offerings, you set realistic expectations for your potential customers. This not only builds credibility but also helps you attract customers who will truly benefit from what you provide.

Don’t be a “Yes Man”. Believe in the power of your product and don’t let the buyer dictate the solution just so you can close the deal.

- Gina Kirkwood, Senior Campaign Manager

  • Engage in thought leadership: You can position your company as a thought leader by producing content, engaging on social media, attending events and sharing case studies that demonstrate how your solutions have helped other businesses. By consistently providing value and showcasing your expertise, you'll establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

It's now time to build those connections

With careful attention and implementation of these strategies, you can start to build genuine connections with B2B buyers.

Remember, it’s no longer about who has the biggest team, budget, ad spend or email database. In today’s digital world, this doesn't always guarantee a win.

Understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer effective and doing all you can to personalise interactions and experiences to build trust is critical. This is how you'll generate more high-quality leads.