The top 8 channels you should be using for better demand generation

Picture of Emma Tinker, Account Director EMEA
Posted by Emma Tinker, Account Director EMEA
The top 8 channels you should be using for better demand generation


Read time: 14 minutes

Did you know that B2B buyers need to consume somewhere between 3 and 13 pieces of content from your brand before they engage with a sales representative and make a purchase?

That’s a lot of pressure on marketers who must create the engaging content and resources that drive this awareness and interest in your products or services.

It’s no secret that generating leads in this way requires a well-thought-out marketing strategy that leverages multiple channels, but where should you focus your budget and efforts?

Well, in order to optimise your demand generation strategy and support your marketing (and sales) teams, you need to determine which channels are going to be most effective. To help you do just that, we’re going to share eight of the top channels you should be utilising this year.

1. Content marketing

Content marketing is one of the best ways to deliver value to your audience, address their pain points, and promote your brand to generate interest in your goods or services.

As of last year, content marketing had helped over three-quarters (76%) of B2B marketers generate demand and leads, up from 67% the previous year. This suggests that the prominence and success of content marketing are only growing.

The goal of content marketing is to add value, and assets such as blog posts, how-to guides, video tutorials, whitepapers, and case studies can be some of the best resources to share with a B2B audience. Not only can in-depth content pieces like ebooks and whitepapers offer valuable insights, but you can also showcase your brand and its success stories through case studies to help build credibility.

Regularly publishing high-quality content that addresses your audience's pain points can drive organic traffic and establish your brand as a thought leader in the market. Blog posts are excellent for sharing industry news, tips, and insights, while how-to guides and video tutorials can provide step-by-step solutions to common problems your audience faces. Whitepapers and ebooks are ideal for deeper dives, positioning your brand as an expert in the field.

In addition to these content types, consider incorporating infographics and interactive content like quizzes and calculators. Infographics can simplify complex information and make it more digestible, while interactive content engages users and keeps them on your site longer, increasing the chances of conversion.

But to maximise the impact of your content marketing efforts, it's crucial to have a well-defined strategy. Start by understanding your target audience and their needs. Conduct thorough research to identify the topics that resonate most with them, and use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords and phrases that can help improve your content's visibility in search engine results.

It's also important to avoid jargon and acronyms as much as possible. Instead, keep it real and more personalised. This approach usually converts better and makes a much more interesting read. 

- Emma Tinker, Account Director EMEA

Once you have a list of topics and keywords, create a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts. Consistency is key in content marketing, so aim to publish new content regularly. Promote your content through various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and online communities, to reach a wider audience.

And then it's just as important to measure the performance of your content marketing efforts. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as website traffic, engagement, and conversions. Analyse this data to identify what's working and what needs improvement. Continuously refine your strategy based on these insights to achieve better results over time.

2. Social media marketing

75% of B2B buyers use social media to make buying decisions so this is a channel you can’t afford to neglect. Thanks to the range of platforms and tools available to marketers, this strategy offers unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities for B2B demand generation.

As a result, over two-thirds (68%) of marketers have already increased the number of leads generated by using social media marketing across platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

That being said, it’s not possible to focus on every platform, so it’s vital that you find out where your target audience spends most of their time. Then you can engage with them organically by sharing valuable content and participating in real-time conversations.

As a tool for professionals and business networking, LinkedIn is the top choice for the majority of marketers with 92% saying they use LinkedIn as their preferred social media channel for B2B.

Whatever platforms you choose, you should also utilise the power of paid social media campaigns to better target specific demographics and offer personalised marketing that is more likely to generate leads.

3. Email marketing

Technology may be evolving at an unprecedented rate, but the fact is, email still remains one of the most impactful and cost-effective ways to engage your audience and build lasting relationships with them. In the realm of channels for demand generation, email marketing stands out as a powerhouse.

One of the top ways to generate demand is to develop automated email sequences that regularly provide value, share useful resources, and guide prospects through the buyer journey without overwhelming their inboxes. These sequences can be tailored to address the specific needs and pain points of your audience, ensuring that each email is relevant and drives engagement.

As part of this strategy, sending out newsletters can improve brand awareness and keep your audience engaged with important updates, industry news, and the most relevant content for them. And by curating content that is both informative and engaging, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

This approach can be an excellent way to build trust, and almost one in three (31%) B2B marketers say email newsletters are the best way for them to generate and nurture leads. By leveraging the power of email marketing, you can create a steady stream of demand, nurturing prospects until they're ready to make a purchase decision.

Email marketing also allows for personalisation at scale. By segmenting your email list based on various criteria such as behaviour, demographics, or past interactions, you can send highly targeted messages that are more likely to convert. Personalised emails not only improve open and click-through rates but also foster a deeper connection with your audience.

But don't stop there, consider incorporating other tactics in your email campaigns such as promotional campaigns, event invitations, and customer feedback surveys. Each of these can play a crucial role in your overall demand generation strategy, helping to keep your audience engaged and moving through the sales funnel.

4. Search engine optimisation (SEO)

SEO plays a huge role in building an online presence, strengthening your brand, and ensuring that you're visible through organic search and appearing higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This is more important than many realise because the B2B decision-making process typically involves multiple stakeholders. As a result, being discovered at the exact right moment is crucial for demand generation. It's believed that up to a third (34%) of qualified B2B leads originate from an effective SEO strategy. This means it's more important than ever to have a robust SEO plan in place to capture the attention of potential leads when they're actively searching for a solution.

To harness the full potential of SEO, it's critical to optimise your website’s content with relevant keywords. This involves conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is using. By integrating these keywords naturally into your content, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs. However, keyword optimisation is just one piece of the puzzle.

Ensuring your website is technically sound is equally important. This includes optimising page load speeds, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and fixing any broken links or errors. A technically optimised website not only enhances user experience but also signals to search engines that your site is reliable and authoritative, which can positively impact your rankings.

Let's not forget that content should be regularly updated, contact information refreshed and any webinars removed once they’ve happened (replacing them with the on-demand recordings). Error pages cut the user journey short which inevitably causes bounce rates, so stay on top of your company content.

- Emma Tinker, Account Director EMEA

But it’s also vital that you optimise every piece of content and every campaign you share to increase the power of your SEO efforts. This means creating high-quality, valuable content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of your audience. Whether it's blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or videos, each piece of content should be crafted with SEO in mind. This includes using appropriate meta tags, alt text for images, and internal linking strategies to boost your site's SEO performance.

Moreover, your marketing presence must align with the specific needs and search behaviours of your target audience. Understanding your audience's search intent is crucial. Are they looking for informational content, or are they ready to make a purchase? Tailoring your content to match these intent signals can significantly improve your chances of converting visitors into leads.

In addition to on-page SEO, off-page SEO activities such as building high-quality backlinks can further enhance your online visibility. Engaging in guest blogging, influencer collaborations, and participating in industry forums can help you earn valuable backlinks that boost your site's authority.

5. Webinars, virtual and in-person events

Webinars and virtual events have become increasingly popular in the last five years, providing the perfect opportunity to offer valuable information or insights into industry trends and solutions to buyer pain points. In the landscape of channels for demand generation, these interactive platforms have proven to be highly effective.

In my experience, B2B forums, conferences and events are a great way to learn more about trends in the market, meet like-minded professionals and see how you compare against your competitors. For example when I visited Infosecurity Europe this year, I connected with several professionals in the IT security space who I consider to be really valuable connections. Despite the rise of virtual events, I'd still say we shouldn’t dismiss physical in-person events where possible.

- Emma Tinker, Account Director EMEA

Almost three-quarters (73%) of B2B marketers say that webinars are the best way to generate quality leads, with 45% also stating that this is the most effective top-of-the-funnel demand generation tactic. These statistics highlight the significant impact webinars can have on your demand generation efforts, making them an essential component of your marketing strategy.

By hosting webinars and virtual events, you can reach a much wider audience than traditional in-person events. This broader reach lets you connect with potential leads from various locations, boosting your brand's visibility and influence. Webinars also offer a great platform to position your brand as a thought leader in your industry, allowing you to build credibility and trust with your audience, which is key to attracting high-quality leads and driving demand for your products or services.

As part of these webinars, collaborating with industry experts can add significant value, such as enhancing the credibility of your event and attracting a larger audience. These experts can share their unique perspectives, tips, and advice related to your industry, providing attendees with a wealth of knowledge and actionable insights.

To maximise the impact of your webinars, it's important to focus on delivering content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of your target audience. This could include discussing current industry trends, offering solutions to common challenges, or showcasing case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of your products or services. By providing valuable and relevant content, you can engage your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Additionally, interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, polls, and live chats can enhance the attendee experience and foster a sense of community. These features allow participants to engage directly with the presenters, ask questions, and share their thoughts, making the event more dynamic and engaging.

6. Account-based marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a crucial source of leads for almost one in five (17%) marketing professionals, and a successful ABM campaign can result in an impressive ROI.

While many demand generation channels aim to target as many potential buyers as possible, ABM takes a different route. It focuses on high-value customers with carefully tailored content, making it a far more personalised strategy. This targeted approach ensures that your marketing efforts are directed towards accounts that are most likely to convert, thereby maximising your resources and increasing your chances of success.

By creating personalised content for these high-value accounts and focusing on their specific pain points, you’re more likely to grab their attention and generate leads. Personalisation can take many forms, from customised emails and content offers to bespoke landing pages and tailored solutions. The goal is to make each target account feel valued and understood, which can significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates.

ABM campaigns help create trust and loyalty among B2B buyers. When you prove that you value their time and attention and can offer them the best solution to their problems, you build a strong foundation for long-term relationships. Trust and loyalty are crucial in B2B marketing, where the sales cycle is often longer and more complex. By demonstrating a deep understanding of your target accounts and consistently delivering value, you can foster strong, lasting relationships that drive repeat business and referrals.

This approach also fosters better alignment between marketing and sales teams. Since both teams are focused on the same high-value accounts, they can work together more effectively to nurture leads and close deals. This alignment ensures a seamless customer journey, from initial engagement to final purchase, enhancing the overall customer experience.

To maximise the effectiveness of your ABM campaigns, it's important to leverage data and insights. Use analytics to identify your high-value accounts and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviours. This information can guide your content creation and campaign strategies, ensuring that your efforts are as targeted and relevant as possible.

7. Paid advertising 

For 1 in 10 (11%) marketers, paid advertising campaigns are their primary source of leads. When executed effectively, paid advertising can dramatically increase brand visibility and attract potential customers, especially when these ads are seamlessly integrated into the user experience.

Using paid ads on relevant websites and platforms like LinkedIn can be particularly effective. LinkedIn, for instance, offers a highly targeted environment where you can reach the right professionals and decision-makers in your industry. By crafting ads that resonate with this audience, you can drive meaningful engagement and generate high-quality leads. Similarly, programmatic ads on industry-specific websites ensures that your message reaches a highly relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads on platforms like Google are also a popular approach, allowing you to target users based on their search queries, ensuring that your ads appear when potential customers are actively looking for solutions you offer. This intent-driven targeting can lead to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment (ROI).

When running paid ad campaigns, it's crucial to utilise analytics tools, like Google Analytics, LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and Facebook Ads Manager, to monitor your reach and effectiveness. By analysing key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition (CPA), you can determine which content is most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Regularly reviewing and refining your ad campaigns based on these insights is essential for improving ROI. For example, if you notice that certain keywords or ad creatives are performing better than others, you can allocate more budget to those areas. Similarly, if certain ads are underperforming, you can tweak the messaging, targeting, or design to enhance their effectiveness.

A/B testing is also important for optimising paid ad campaigns (as well as a myriad of other marketing activities like email subject lines). By running multiple versions of an ad with slight variations, you can identify which elements resonate most with your audience. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions and continuously improve your ad performance.

8. Podcasts

The popularity of podcasts has skyrocketed over the last decade, making them an ideal channel for demand generation. Interestingly, 77% of marketers say that podcasts are the most effective content for moving leads from awareness to consideration.

These offer you an excellent way to grab your audience’s attention as they can listen to your content whilst doing other things, such as walking, driving, working, cooking, etc.

If producing your own podcast, you should share insights, interviews and industry trends that will help you to build a loyal audience.

Alternatively, you could feature on another brand’s podcasts sharing your opinions and expertise, or you could simply advertise your goods or services through a paid ad campaign.

Demand generation that actually generates demand

There's a diverse range of channels for demand generation, each offering unique opportunities to connect with your audience and drive growth. The key to success lies in understanding your target market and strategically leveraging these channels to meet their needs and preferences.

Email marketing, SEO, webinars, and account-based marketing each bring their own strengths to the table. By integrating these approaches, you can create a multifaceted strategy that not only captures attention but also builds lasting relationships.

Some tactics might be more successful for one company than another so remember to continuously analyse, then flex and refresh to stay ahead of the curve (and your competitors).

- Emma Tinker, Account Director EMEA

Ultimately, the most effective demand generation strategies are those that are adaptable and responsive to the ever-changing market dynamics. By staying informed about industry trends and continuously refining your tactics, you can ensure that your efforts remain relevant and impactful.

Convert more leads with a winning lead nurturing strategy.