A step-by-step outline of how to set up a content syndication campaign with us.
Step 1: Speak to a member of our Account Management team. They'll be able to walk you through the different types of campaigns we offer.
You'll need a clear idea of who your target audience is so we can outline campaign parameters.
Step 2: Your Account Manager will send you a Campaign IO to sign. This will outline the parameters of the campaign, how much it will cost and the volume of leads to be delivered.
Step 3: Sign the IO and send your Account Manager the content you want to use for the campaign, including any other collateral such as your company logo and content abstract(s).
Step 4: Your dedicated Campaign Manager will set up the campaign and share previews for approval.
Step 5: That's it! You're good to go.
If you need to make any changes to the campaign previews, simply let your Campaign Manager know and they can make the required changes.
If you need to make any changes to campaign parameters at this stage, please be aware that this may impact the cost of the campaign and delay your go-live date.
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